God’s Purpose for Our Life

The Bible contains many stories of heroes of the faith, immortalized in the Word for their faithful deeds and for living their life in a way that, thousands of years later, still has an impact for the good on us as we are inspired by their stories. Daniel, Moses, Abraham, Mary the mother of Jesus, Paul, David, the prophets, and many others live on in the pages of the Bible as examples of people whose life purpose was fulfilled by God to the benefit of countless people over thousands of years. But this is also true for the anonymous writer of Psalm 119, and those described by Christ in Matthew 25, whose identity will not be known this side of eternity, but who have had a tremendous impact on many other anonymous people over the ages. The point is, God works in and through all His children to fulfill His purpose to abundantly bless us every day. We can be grateful to be both blessed and a blessing as God fulfills his purpose for each of our lives. Famous or anonymous, we all can rejoice that “...it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." Philippians 2:12-13