Does God Always Answer Our Prayers?

These people show an unshakable, confident belief that God hears their prayers and is answering those prayers by guiding us on the best path, no matter what the visible evidence suggests. The bottom line is that when it comes to spiritual matters, just because I cannot see something does not mean it is not there (e.g., see 2 Kings 6:16-17). The author of Hebrews in Chapter 11, the Hall of Faith” members chapter, talks about faith as being “certain of what we do not see,”(verse 1), and goes on to say in verse 6 that “without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” So, what pleases God is for us to seek Him so earnestly that by faith we are certain that He is rewarding us for that faith, even if we do not see that reward (i.e., we are “certain of what we do not see”). I trust God more than myself when it comes to knowing what I need most, or even want most, as my Ephesians 2:10 prayer reveals. In the fullness of time all will be clear, and our unfailing trust in His unfailing love will be forever validated.