Can God be Trusted?

Our lives bear witness that God can be trusted to keep His promises. But what about when

“you do not have any proof or evidence to show that it is true”? Do we have unshakable trust in Him when the evidence isn’t right there to prove our trust is founded? Does our heart rate and blood pressure increase when we get bad news, or is our default reaction to say “Lord, I trust your unfailing love will prevail, and you will fulfill your purpose for my life, no matter what the outcome of this news”? Do we always believe Romans 8:28 to be true in our life, even when we do not see how the ”good” can possibly  emerge out of the “bad?”

This is what a long and deep trust in God looks like: the experience of walking close to God your entire life builds a strong trust in his love, goodness and mercy, so that going through the crucible of suffering still results in praising God for His listening to your current cry for help. Trust in God is justified, even when you might not understand His ways or His plan for our life or see the reward in the here and now. God can be trusted to fulfill his purpose and plan for our life, according to His infinite wisdom and lovingkindness.