A Few Things I Learned in February 2021

I am getting stronger every day, and will be back to work Monday, March 7, when I'll also begin radiation therapy M-F for 6 or 7 weeks. I've had some time to reflect on the past month and thought I'd share a few lessons that I've learned during this time: 

1. God's mercies come in many sizes, are perfectly timed, and often are delivered through other people. Some of the time the people who are the mediums through which a blessing is delivered are not aware of the magnitude of the blessing they are providing to someone. They are just following the impulse of the Spirit, and then sail on; unaware of the goodness they leave in their wake. Lesson I learned: May I be the kind of person who can be used by God to pass along mercies of any size to others. I don't want to miss out on being the deliverer of a "small" blessing, by being intent on delivering only "big" ones.